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5 January 2021
Further extension has been granted to residency permits in Italy

Foreign citizens holding an Italian residency permit are advised that pursuant to Law no. 159 (conversion of Legislative Decree No. 125 of 7 October 2020), a further extension has been granted to residency permits expiring between 31 January and 31 December 2020, until 31 January 2021, end date for the current state of emergency. For […]

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14 December 2020
Concorso per l’assunzione di un impiegato presso l’IIC di San Francisco

Concorso per l’assunzione di un impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di collaboratore amministrativo nel settore contabilita’ manifestazioni culturali traduzione presso l’IIC di San Francisco. Per maggiori informazioni e per inviare la propria candidatura: •Avviso di Selezione•Formulario

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4 December 2020
“Voci dalla Farnesina”, the new podcast of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with ANSA

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has launched the podcast channel “VOCI DALLA FARNESINA” in collaboration with the Italian news agency ANSA. Episodes will tell the story of Italian diplomacy through the voices of its protagonists and offer an inside look at the Italian foreign ministry and its activities. Listeners will hear […]

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30 November 2020

The Italian Ministry of Health Ordinance of June 18, 2021 (GU General Series n.145 of 19-06-2021), effective from June 21, 2021, envisages the following updates as regarding entering Italy from the USA: the new Italian provisions on Green Certificate apply to the USA entry from the USA into Italy can therefore take place by presenting, […]

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18 November 2020
The fifth edition of the World Week of the Italian Cuisine (November 16-22 2020) opens in Washington next week. Over 40 events throughout the United States will promote authentic Italian agri-food products.

Great partnerships for the US edition of the World Week of the Italian Cuisine (November 16-22, 2020), which opens on Monday, November 16, at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C., with the “Med Diet Talks”, a series of round tables featuring the Mediterranean Diet, on the tenth anniversary of its recognition by UNESCO as an […]

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16 November 2020
Sistema Pubblico di Identita’ Digitale SPID

Si informa che in base al recente “Decreto Semplificazioni” (D.L.16 luglio 2020, n. 76) dal prossimo 28 febbraio 2021 le Pubbliche Amministrazioni dovranno utilizzare esclusivamente le identita’ digitali (Sistema Pubblico di Identita’ Digitale SPID) e la carta di identita’ elettronica ai fini dell’identificazione dei cittadini che accedono ai propri servizi in rete. Il MAECI ha […]

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16 November 2020
Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke today with US President-elect Joe Biden

The President of the Council of Ministers had tonight a phone call with the President-elect of the United States of America, Joseph Biden Jr. PM Conte reiterated his congratulations to Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. The traditional, deep bonds of friendship and alliance between the two Countries were highlighted as well as a […]

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12 November 2020
The Italian Ambassador to the United States, Armando Varricchio, opened the webinar on “Digital Dollar & Digital Euro: An International Perspective.”

“Digital currencies issued by Central Banks represent an evolution of the traditional banknote, with the potential to revolutionize domestic and international payment systems. Together with new opportunities, Central Bank Digital Currencies inherently also bring risks, and can give rise to consequences that are not currently fully foreseeable. Collaboration between the United States and Europe in […]

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12 November 2020
Message from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to the President-elect of the United States of America, Biden

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has sent the following message to the President-elect of the United States of America, Joe Biden: “On behalf of the whole Italian Republic, I would like to express my warmest congratulations on your election as President of the United States of America. As a result of a remarkable […]

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6 November 2020
Avviso di assunzione presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a New York – riapertura dei termini

È indetta una procedura di selezione per l’assunzione di n° 2 impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di assistente amministrativo presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a New York. Avviso riapertura dei termini.

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