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6 November 2020
Ambassador Varricchio opens the 4th Edition of the Italian Design Day in the World in the US (November 5, 2020).

“The work of Italian designers and architects will continue to be a driving force for innovation in Italy, the United States and the world. New ideas, new materials, new technologies are the way of the future”. With these words, Ambassador Varricchio inaugurated, in Washington, the 4th edition of the Italian Design Day in the World […]

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6 November 2020
National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day. A solemn commemoration in Washington

Washington, November 4, 2020. A virtual commemoration of National Unity and of the Armed Forces Day was held in Washington. In this year marked by the pandemic, on 4 November the Italian Flag (Il Tricolore) was the protagonist. A symbol of unity and cohesion, around which all Italians gathered during the most acute phase of […]

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30 October 2020
Agreement between Italy-US on archaeological artifacts signed today at the Italian Embassy

The Ambassador of Italy to the US Armando Varricchio and the Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs of the State Department, Marie Royce, signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on the imposition of restrictions on the import of categories of archaeological material from Italy.” The Memorandum, together with the previous agreement dating back to 2001, […]

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19 October 2020
Avviso di assunzione impiegati presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a New York

È indetta una procedura di selezione per l’assunzione di n° 2 impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di assistente amministrativo presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a New York. BANDO FAC-SIMILE DOMANDA

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19 October 2020
US program of the Week of Italian Language in the World (19-25 October 2020)

On October 19 the XX edition of the Week of the Italian Language in the World opens in the USA. The event, as underlined by Ambassador Armando Varricchio “plays a fundamental role in promoting the cultural richness of our country”. Established in 2001 under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, the Week […]

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6 October 2020
20th Week of the Italian Language in the World. Contest for students.

On the occasion of the “20th Week of the Italian Language in the World”, the Embassy of Italy is pleased to announce a Contest for students of the Italian language in the United States. Each year, the Week has a different underlying theme for a vast cultural program to advance the promotion of the Italian […]

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2 October 2020
Message from President Mattarella to the President of the United States, Donald Trump

The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio MAttarella, has sent to the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, the folllowing message (courtesy translation): “I wish to extend to you and your wife Melania, in friendship and on behalf of all Italians, my sincere best wishes for a prompt and full recovery.”

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18 September 2020
Save Venice. Ambassador Armando Varricchio introduces a webinar on conservation and restoration works following the floods of last November.

Washington, September 17, 2020. The Ambassador of Italy Armando Varricchio opened today together with Frederick Ilchman, Chairman of Save Venice, the webinar on the protection of the historic sites of the city of Venice from high water. The seminar, carried out in the framework of the fruitful collaboration with Save Venice, takes place just under […]

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18 September 2020
Prende il via la serie di webinar #WeareISSNAF organizzata dall’Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF) in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata e i Consolati negli USA.

Maeci E’ cominciata a Houston la serie di Webinar #weareISSNAF organizzati dalla Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF) in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata e la rete diplomatico-consolare italiana negli USA. La nuova serie si prefigge di affrontare temi specifici ma importanti nel panorama scientifico odierno attraverso conversazioni con scienziati e ricercatori appartenenti al […]

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18 September 2020
The Italian Trade Promotion Agency (ITA) in New York is now hiring an FDI specialist. Deadline for applications September 28.

Washington, September 9 2020. The Italian Trade Promotion Agency (ITA) is currently seeking a Foreign Direct Investment Specialist for the FDI Desk operating in the New York Office. The purpose of the role will be to support US direct investment in Italy, as well as to strengthen awareness of Italian business and regulatory environment. The […]

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